three out of eight

…managed to do 3/8 of the things on my to-do on Saturday list.

First went to KLCC Convention Center with my older brother to the Post grad Asia fair. Not much there really. Then helped my little brother with his gift shopping. Then went to KLPAC to fetch my sister, and while we were there we hung around for a bit.

Let me tell you something about KLue Urbanscapes that maybe the starry-eyed failed to notice, just didn’t care about, or closed one eye to.

There were loads of people. Many of them were smoking. You’re thinking, big deal, yeah? Well not only that.

A lot of them were guzzling Heineken and Tiger Beer which was readily available. Tiger was also one of the Main sponsors of the event. I don’t know about you but even though I was born and lived in the West for almost half my life, I’ve never been to an event where people drank in the midst of everyone else, and thank God.

Not to sound all preachy, but aren’t we not supposed to have anything to do with alcohol consumption? It’s bad enough that our local super/hypermarkets have a section and I know I’m not fully free from guilt myself since newspapers and magazines also run lager-related ads, but to parade it off as the cool thing to do? (Urbanscapes is supposed to be where all the cool people hang out – the ones in the loop and all that)

On a lesser note, they held the acoustic sessions upstairs, while the head-banging, booty shakin’ party music was played downstairs, right next to the Surau. So anyone wanting to go pray (i.e. me and my brothers) would have a thumping headache from the deep and loud beats emanating out the open door.

I wasn’t there long so I might have missed a lot of things, but anyways, this is what I experienced. Had to walk with extra caution, scooting and squeezing myself small trying to avoid the drinking throngs. Blinking through all the smoke and rain(not that I’m complaining about the rain part, it lessened the smoke effect slightly) Marketplace was nice if not for the crowd, smoke (it was covered so no rain) and again, alcohol.

Just my humble opinion.

Read my sisters more glowing review here


Watched “The Incredible Hulk” today, at the insistence of my brothers, coupled with the refusal of my sister to sit through “Kung-Fu Panda” and the lack of anything else to watch. The movie was LOUD. Had to stick my fingers in my ears more than several times. The only saving grace was Edward Norton, who I like anyway. Liv Tyler, oh my god, breathy voice is annoying!

Tomorrow I have so many things/places/events lined up that I need to choose from:

RA FlashMob
Butterfly Park with Nada and Sumeyra
Watch “Wanted” with Aziza
Go Out with Ayesha (can be combied with aziza)
Help my brother with his gift shopping
Accompany my other brother to some Post Grad education Fair in KLCC – can be combined with gift shopping with lil bro..
Stay at home and clear out my messy room

Honestly don’t know which one i will pick..(or can actually go to..)

Bye Bye Birdie…

I had my last exam today, it was Land Surveying. I read through everything a zillion times, paying close attention to engineering and construction surveying and GPS. The first two parts of the paper were easy peasy, i finished it in less than 20 minutes.but then i turn the page and read question # 3, and all my hopes of an A start flying away….
doesn;t help that i think question 4 was faulty, but when i tried to ask sj he said it was right. ok then…
anyways i’m done with my exams,
i still have homework can you believe, even when the semester is over. which we’re gonna do on friday.
this is for a non-credited course. huh.

my parents came back from umrah today. my dad is flying off to sudan tonight. a waste of time i you ask me, flying from saudi to malaysia and back that way to sudan. but he needed to restock his clothes and get some stuff from his office..

so i edited my blog design…probably gonna be tweaked/revamped again sometime soon. have the ideas, but not the time/patience and/or skills!

The should be’s of life…

I should be cleaning up my room, and the house.

Cats should be allowed in our household. Then I won’t have to spend hours staring out the window at my neighbor’s cute cats.

People who play computer games loudly while other people are trying to study should be more considerate.

My sister should be cooking more than just fried fish. And she should cook more. She’s not doing her fair share of chores.

The Land Surveying Notes should be online, but not all of them are. My exam is on Wednesday.

I should be studying and not editing my blog layout.

The Hamzah house menu

my parents are away for umrah so its just us kids at home. so we’ve had to cook :O So far this is what we’ve had…(its mostly dinners since we have lunch on campus)

Day 1 – omelette courtesy of Maryam
ok i was so lazy-tired and i had a midterm the next day. no one else would step up, so…

Day 2 – Ayam masak Kunyit (Turmeric Chicken) courtesy of Muhsin and Haneef

Day 3 – Fried fish courtesy of Munira

Day 4 – Ayam Masak Merah ( i think it would literally be Red chicken but i dunno…) courtesy of Maryam and Muhsin

Day 5 – Baked Fish courtesy of Maryam and Muhsin

Day 6 – hmm…i cant remember what we had on saturday. i think we just had our own separate dinners

Day 7 – Some beef dish courtesy of Grandma…:)

Day 8 – Chicken teppanyaki courtesy of Khair

Day 9 – no dinner

Day 10 – today – Spaghetti Aglio E Olio courtesy of Maryam. haha ok its just spaghetti with garlic n olive oil…:P

as you can see, its a very odd looking menu, but thats kinda all we have. now we’re out of chicken so its fish all the way…

TAGGED – and apparently i’m doing the chicken dance :P

So I’ve been tagged by my sister, this should be interesting… Google FTW!!!

Rule: Go to Google and search the phrase. Tag friends. Please use your REAL 1st name.
Use the first thing that comes up that makes sense.
(don’t forget to use the ” ” )

Q: Type in “[your name] needs” in the Google search:
A: Maryam needs surgery to heal wounds she suffered during the multiple attacks on …

Q: Type in “[your name] looks like” in Google search:
A: Maryam looks like she is really happy to be around her cousin. How cute is that. And I love the slings and the color and pattern, very nice. …

Q: Type in “[your name] says” in Google search:
A: Just like Rokiyah, Maryam says she chose to wear the hijab on her own as a way ….

Q: Type in “[your name] wants” in Google search:
A: Maryam wants to be an individual yet feels like she has to reject at least some parts of the new culture in order to preserve a spot in a greater collective …

Q: Type in “[your name] does” in Google search:
A: Maryam does the chicken dance!

Q: Type in “[your name] hates” in Google search:
A: know Maryam hates it when I come home and get on the computer to type to all of you. So does Patrick. That’s cause I steal the computer from him and his …

Q: Type in “[your name] asks” in Google search:
A: Maryam asks you to try a beet. You do, it was OK, but you’re not crazy about it. … Maryam asks if your mom is buying him tickets to a show. You say no. …

Q: Type in “[your name] goes” in Google search:
A: Maryam Goes To France on Vimeo

Q: Type in “[your name] likes ” in Google search:
A:- Robert Scoble’s wife Maryam likes Scott Guthrie, a General Manager at Microsoft, just because: “He always answers his email.”

Q: Type in “[your name] eats ” in Google search:
A: 8 year-old Afghan girl Maryam eats her lunch in a camp for displaced people in Kabul on May 4. Millions of Afghans are struggling to survive in the …

Q: Type in “[your name] wears ” in Google search:
A: As a young Muslim American woman, Maryam wears a headscarf, known as a hijab, out in public and keeps her body completely covered so that only her hands and …

Q: Type in “[your name] was arrested for” in Google Search:
A: No results found for “Maryam was arrested for”.

Well some of the results were just fragmented and stuff, but overall they were pretty random! mostly from blogs…and i have never been arrested! yea!

Thus, I tag:

and…whoever else wants to have a spot of fun

Role reversal

So in our household there is somewhat of an oddity at works. My brothers love to cook (ok, one of them loves to, the others like it more than I do), and I am particularly averse to standing anywhere near the kitchen stove. On the other hand, I am quite enamored with any kind of hardware/tool. Screwdriver. Compass. Spirit level. Power drill. Yum!

Our house seems to have a doorknob demon; so far 4 doorknobs have messed up. Twice in my brothers room, once my parents, and most recently (just now) our doorknob refused to open. My brothers’ room was really ok; they had a connecting bathroom so they could still get in and out of their room. All we have is a balcony and no way are we going to climb out of it every day to get in/out. But no worries, this is just the sort of thing I relish. out come the assortment of makeshift tools (I lost or misplaced my screwdriver in my incredibly messy room) so it was palette knives (the very same and new ones we gave my sis for her birthday and this is their first service to us lol) and scissors and a compass to the rescue.

My brother soon joined us through the balcony. He climbed out of his balcony and walked across the roof to ours. What was funny was the neighbors thought he was a thief/intruder, plus he was carrying two steak knives. Anyways in the end i didn’t need the knives, just a pair of (t)rusty old scissors. Pushed out the knob and pulled in the….thingy. haha. Doorknobs-0, Maryam-2.5. ( i helped my brother with their second doorknob disaster before). Of course now we have a hole in our door where the doorknob should be, but at least we can get in and out 😛

on a totally unrelated note, I Love this song!!!! its such a good song if you’re feeling depressed or sad, because when you are feeling like that you don’t want some sunshine-rainbows-butterflies song to make you feel better. you need something like this. exactly. by the way, i would’ve uploaded a live version but there wasn’t one that was good enough in quality. so take a really good listen because it is worth it. they are both perrfect.

Sewing Machine/Details in the Fabric

by Jason Mraz feat James Morrison

Calm down
Deep breaths
And get yourself dressed instead
Of running around
And pulling all your threads and
Breaking yourself up

If it’s a broken part, replace it
But, if it’s a broken arm then brace it
If it’s a broken heart then face it

And hold your own
Know your name
And go your own way
Hold your own
Know your own name
And go your own way

And everything will be fine
Everything will be fine

Hang on
Help is on the way
Stay strong
I’m doing everything

Hold your own
Know your name
And go your own way
Hold your own
Know your name
And go your own way

And everything, everything will be fine

Are the details in the fabric
Are the things that make you panic
Are your thoughts results of static cling?

Are the things that make you blow
Hell, no reason, go on and scream
If you’re shocked it’s just the fault
Of faulty manufacturing.

Yeah everything will be fine
Everything in no time at all

Hold your own
And know your name
And go your own way

Are the details in the fabric (Hold your own, know your name)
Are the things that make you panic
Are your thoughts results of static cling? (Go your own way)

Are the details in the fabric (Hold your own, know your name)
Are the things that make you panic (Go your own way)
Is it Mother Nature’s sewing machine?

Are the things that make you blow (Hold your own, know your name)
Hell no reason go on and scream
If you’re shocked it’s just the fault (Go your own way)
Of faulty manufacturing

Everything will be fine
Everything in no time at all
Hearts will hold

Week El-Wacky

Wekala, just coz it goes with the title…and its also my history assignment

our site analysis and client interview was due on friday. that meant a whole week of sleepless nights. but in the end we have to redo it. just when i thought i would be able to enjoy the weekends!!! so i had to scrap my plans of going home on friday. had to instead, be in kaed up to 4 am. thank god some people have cars and i didn’t have to walk all the way back. i was also out of clean clothes then, and my dinner consisted of roti sweetie. on the way home today the car exploded. yup. thank god we were at the gas station at the time. actually i was sitting in the front passenger seat and moi papitos was filling the tires (why does it say tyres is spelled wrong?)when i hear this boom! i thought one of the tires exploded but it was actually the radiator.

“hari ni minyak dah sampai ke belum eh?” a snippet of conversation you don’t hear everyday unless you work at a gas station

The Perishers – Pills

I hope my smile
can distract you
I hope my fists
can fight for two
So it never has to show
And you’ll never know

I hope my love
can blind you
I hope my arms
can bind you
So you’ll never have to see
What we’ve grown to be

One may think
we’re alright
But we need pills
to sleep at night
We need lies
to make it through the day
We’re not ok

One may think
we’re doing fine
But if I had to lay it on the line
We’re losing ground
with every passing day
We’re not ok

But that’s one thing
I would never
One thing I would never
That’s one thing
I would never say to you

i should come down this road more often…

so i was using the net, like always. and i felt like listening to i’m callin you by outlandish and then i went on a whirlwind of wikipedia, google, and youtune scouring them all for interviews etc etc. i get obsessive quite often. this morning it was mike rowe (of dirty jobs fame)

then i stuble upon this interview by the islam channel and this guy named hamza robertson was being interviewed, so i check out his music. then in the same interview the host says dawud, and i check up dawud wharnsby ali‘s music. and stuff about him. i knew he was Canadian but apparently he was born in kitchener ontario! thats where i was born! so my i’m thinking, what if my parents knew him? unlikely, since he reverted to islam in 1993 and we moved to the us in 194 and even before islam he was a singer person so he wouldn’t have stayed in small town Kitchener i guess. but that is cool. he came to Malaysia i think, ilham went with ala if I’m not mistaken. he should come again, like have this mega nasheed concert with outlandish, sami yusuf, zain bikha, hamza et al.
yup they should definitely come.

look into my eyes – beautiful song!!!
also our creation by hamza robertson

*yes, i am a late bloomer. i know. that isam phase was like, 2 years ago for everyone else. but this is a good phase, no? need to get my act together…*

this week in history

“Pick up your chin there’s a saint on the mend
On a burnt out estate born of bones that don’t bend
Coming back stealing hearts pulling through
Brand fire new”

‘Mary on the mend – Cherry Ghost’

ummm…well i just like that song.
so i am 20 now, old, yes i know. but nowadays 20 is still young, i think. back in the old days 20 was when you were like, really adult. but nowadays i think that age has been pushed back to 25.

lotsa stuff happening/happened this november. ok, my birthday, yeah. then the merdeka tennis festival which i so badly wanted to go to but didn’t. i mean, nadal, federer, gasquet and sampras all in one? who wouldn’t wanna go? aparantly, my dad who would rather watch it on tv.

then the live and loud festival – james morrisson!!! but te tix are sooooooooo expensive!

lulu lala lalaleeelalalala

wahooey – gotta get back to tv – federer vs sampras is on


  • Mood: Optimism
  • Listening to: her in these lights
  • Reading: was reading picoult
  • Watching: some disney movie bout a cute toaster
  • Eating: nasi ayam
  • Drinking: water

So Singapore….lets see. The bus was okay, comfortable enough although me seat was a wee bit cramped with all the bags since the overhead compartment was full. Funny thing was that the bus (this was executive coach) stopped at the Sungai Besi toll Rest stop and went out to buy us all McDonalds breakfast. You’d think an executive coach would serve you nicer food, or at least not buy it on the way.:-?

The immigration was a joke, the Malaysian side anyways. There were no customs! I mean, there was a customs place, but no one was there to check anything!
crossed the bridge, which I’m not sure was the causeway since it was so empty, reached Singapore immigration where they did check our stuff. Very enthusiastically, too. The customs officer was so chatty; it was funny, but nice.

Singapore is just like Malaysia but a little bit different. They have more trees, planted ones, whereas in Malaysia they cut down all the tees by the roadsides. I like that about Singapore, the nice, shady trees. Got to the bus station, got off, and had to look for a hotel. First went to this place called Hotel Hamilton, just a few meters away. They told us to come back at 5pm (it was 2) so we went to look for other places. Went to hotel 81 elegance which was e-x-p-e-n-s-i-v-e for a supposedly budget place (109 Singapore $ approx 240 Rm, which would get you a very nice hotel room in Malaysia) so went to look elsewhere. Found the Hive after walking around for a bit, it was cheap and had a totally cool atmosphere (backpackers hostel) but was FULL. -_- in the end settled for hotel 81, which was small, had no windows, and smelt like cigarettes but was clean enough.
Rested for a bit then headed out at around 4.20. We wanted to take the MRT to the city centre, but spent an hour looking for the station, when actually it was just 10-15 minutes away. We took a big huge loop when we should’ve just walked straight.


The place where we stayed (lavender) was pretty empty, so I was wondering “where the heck are all the Singaporeans? Isn’t Singapore supposed to jam packed full of people?” Well, my questions were answered when we got to Orchard – it was sooooo crowded!!! And my brother wouldn’t stop saying, its just like Korea, he’d say it like every 15 minutes. Personally, I didn’t see the point of Orchard Road. All the malls sold the same expensive stuff, with the same shops, and had the same eateries (3 McD’s per mall at around 12 malls in Orchad = obesity. Singaporeans do love their fast food…) so we walked up and down the street, looking for a money changer, then looked for a place to eat, besides fast food, but we weren’t sure of the halal-ity of the places, so ended up in BK after all, even if it was freaking expensive. :hungry: (Malaysians so take their food for granted – everything is halal so no worries)

Then we went to the esplanade, by that time it was already night, so all the lights were on. It was very pretty, not what I expected out of a durian looking thing. There was also this art exhibition inside the lobby, ‘Continuous Line Drawings’ or something. :gallery: They were made by NUS students and were really nice, and good too. Walked down to the Merlion, hung around a bit and took so many pictures, then walked to the Padang, across which was a nice building but I don’t really know what it was. Oh, and behind that building there was a thing, it looked like a UFO, but it was obviously some sort of building. By now our feet were feeling royally butchered, so we got back on the MRT to the hotel, this time deciding not to take the scenic route.

Back at the hotel watched ESPN, found out that Man U won and Chelsea drew (Yaaayy!!). :w00t::boogie::dance::airborne: Super goal from eagles too.


We planned on getting out at 10 am since my aptitude test was at 11.30, and we did get out, like at 10.15-ish. Took the MRT to Clementi, then went to the bus stop and waited for bus # 96 to take us to NUS. Waited. Waited. Waited. Then finally 96 showed up, we got on, and the driver told us if we’re going to NUS, we should go wait at the interchange up the road. We were like, ??? but went there, where we had to wait again, for like 20 minutes, until he finally showed up (he must’ve had food poisoning or something). By then there were only 10 minutes left for me to get to NUS and find out where the heck the test was taking place. Got there at 11.35 and had to sheepishly walk up the lecture theater as inconspicuously as possible, and plonk myself down on seat 93. The examiner was giving out instructions, half of which I missed. Then I read the question, and it says

‘using the materials given, design an abstract model to illustrate the theme ‘lightness and heaviness’.

Then my mind went absolutely blank and the clock kept ticking. Everyone around me was either furiously sketching, or already taking out their scissors and snipping away. The only thing I could think of was my pop-up book at home, so I tried to make this fan-pop-up-earth thing, I cut it out, and coloured it, and was trying to figure out how to attach it to the base when the instructor guy announces that we cant use colors. GREAT. That’s half an hour gone, and only another half to think of something else. I ended up doing this really weird and equally lame construction of the letter ‘P’ and I was going to do the same thing for ‘b’ but there was only 10 minutes left so I just did this cutout and made it float with a stand thing. The P was soooo ugly…my rushed construction was all junky looking and not smooth and crisp and flawless like I envisioned….Then I cut out this horribly ugly bird and stuck it on the ‘b’. Then I made up some lame-o reasoning of how ‘Pb’ is the symbol for lead, which is known to be one of the heavier metals (that’s what you get when you mom is the Chem teacher), and it symbolizes the weight of the earth and how it is underground but being bought to the surface. Then I just said the bid symbolizes freedom from burden, or lightness. LAME!!!:lmao:

Then comes the second question, and I’m supposed to describe the qualities of two different pictures, each in 5 words. One picture was a kettle, the other was this house. I guess this is where my A* in O level English came in handy, and my alien-ish :alientwo: hobby of reading the dictionary (laugh all you want but its fun!)The third question told us to reinterpret the model from question 1 and design a seating structure/piece of furniture based on the same theme. Those were okay I guess, but not superb. I don’t know the benchmark for this test, so I have no idea how I did. Except I know my model was ugly, and it was so embarrassing we had to march down 4 flights of stairs with our models…

My interview was scheduled at 3.20, and it was only 2, so we walked around a bit, looking for food, and found a McD’s, which was a lot cheaper than the ones in Orchard. I guess it has to cater to students’ budgets.
I have no idea how I did in the interview, because I never had one before. I didn’t even prepare for it, until my bother asked me what I was going to say in the interview. I told him, don’t I just answer questions? Can you believe I actually argued with the interviewee guys? :faq: Okay well, not argue in a fighting way, more like a discussion without a point of agreement. He was asking me about what buildings I liked, and I said the Sultan Abdul Samad building, and he asked what was behind it, and I said the Klang river, and he said, “no, behind that”, I told him it was Masjid Jamek. And he said, “No, that’s on the north.” So I was like, “umm..okay but I’m pretty sure its behind, and the criminal court is also behind it.” Then they dew this map-sketch thing, and they were adamant that Masjid Jamek is on its left, but I KNOW its behind the building, on the right. Anyways in the end I just let it go and they moved on to other questions about its history, :blahblah: (thankfully I knew a bit about it and remembered all the right names)

I was the last interviewed candidate so I was just outside the room organizing my stuff with my bother after the interview, then they walked out, and said, “oh I liked your drawings” (I brought my art along which they looked at, especially this one:wave:


and “are you considering landscape designing?” To which I stupidly said. “No, not really. I don’t like trees.” (but I love trees!) and hastily blubbered on how I don’t know how to deal with them etc etc. (???) what I was really trying to say is I don’t have green thumbs and I don’t like drawing trees! :stupid:
My brother thought my interview went well since they said they liked my drawings but I’m not too sure. Oh they also said “I hope you did well on your aptitude test.” Does that mean they liked me, and thus hoped I did good so I would be accepted, or did I do so bad that the only thing that could save me was the test? :evileye: conspiracies…. :sherlock:

We planned on going to Bugis and the Arab district, but we only had an hour so had so breeze though Bugis Junction and then rush of to the MRT to catch our 6 pm bus. We made it just on time, as in, we got on the bus and it went.

Okay I know its just Singapore, and people go there all the time, but not ME!! I hardly go anywhere, thus the jakun-ness. Next time I’m gonna do Singapore good and proper.