Lets take a breather…

Mid-semester break is finally here, not that there will be much holiday-ing going on. There are mountains of work to be done huhu...Let’s see...so this semester started a while back, and I really didn't know what to expect. It is our final long semester (if we pass insha'Allah). New Year’s came and went, uneventfully but rather kinda depressingly. 10 years into the new millennium and I have yet to really accomplish anything. Tick tock Maryam, tick tock.OHBut I must say I was extremely pleased and thankful that I passed my JPJ test, first time rou ...


There’s a bug that’s been blazing a trail through the third year architecture students, or at least, my studio. And like a Californian wildfire, or an Australian bushfire, very little and very few are spared its effects. Everybody’s buzzing about it, talk and gossip, gossip and talk. Exchange of information, spilling of secrets long kept and verification of doubts long cast. Opinions put forth, emotions expressed, people get worked up and stressed.This bug. It makes you bipolar, it makes everyone an expert and puts everyone under scrutiny.This bu ...

Road Trip – Perak

pictures will be added later. stay tunedThe early bird gets the worm......or, the wait. On the tentative schedule we were supposed to meet up at 4.am so that we could depart at 4.30. but the night before was our registration, so I had to go home to register (as luck would have it, my internet conked out at exactly 11.50 p.m., after I forced myself to stay awake the whole night waiting for the midnight stroke. hmm) well since I was at home, the only way I could get to UIA at such a ridiculous hour was if someone drove me there, and that someone wa ...

Let go

Emotions - how much are you supposed to show, how much are supposed to hide?Strength - when lashing out shows weakness, and mistrust breeds contemptTime - how long is too long, how short is too shortFreedom - how do you define it and what are you ever free fromThoughts - they change so do you blurt out all your rash thoughts or keep them brewingSpace - when too close for comfort is too big a space for someMood - can you detect it, can you ignore itSimplicity - wouldn't you want to uncomplicate your relationships? wouldn't you want to be happy?Bur ...


The holidays are finally here, after a grueling semester that for some has not even finished yet. This semester, I’ve gone out on the proverbial limb and trusted people for the first time in a very long time. I suppose it started from the second semester in my 2nd year, where I settled into the studio groove more (due, in part, to working drawing), or maybe during the short semester, where I had multi-disciplinary project with my juniors. It out me in a new situation where I didn’t know anyone but I didn’t feel intimidated by them as much as I fe ...

Hello. Goodbye.

Hello, youIts been a long time since we’ve talked, how have you been? I’m sorry that I’ve been neglecting you, but actually it couldn’t be helped. You're not exactly the kind of person I think people would like. I don’t understand you. You’re a mix of contradictions. You’re a walking oxymoron, and you don’t even know what you want. Okay, I don’t want to turn this into a accusatory letter but you expect other people to understand your wildly seclusive ways when you don’t even understand yourself. And you say you can take criticism but oh, you have ...


It's hard to please everybody but its even harder to please yourself, especially when you don't know who you are, what you want, and where you're going.I want to find peace when i'm confusedI want to have hope when i'm let downI want to clean up the mess I madeAnd tie up any loose ends. But where do I begin? And how?


Malaysian Open at Mandarin Oriental(Just a warning: this is a departure from my rather abstract posts of late)Just by luck I was shifted from the info n booth department (blah) to the Hotel and hospitality department (^.^)/It’s not that tiring, we get quite a few perks. Comfortable environment (second home remember :P) and the opportunity to observe how the tennis players interact and stuff. Some of the things they do are just hilarious. hard to explain why, but they just are. It’s a good hard look behind the scenes. There weren’t that many fans, ...

My Drug Buddy

Drink it in, that bitter pillYou’re running short on drugsThe grey is lonely, the black is stillAnd Murphy cries for hugsA game of chicken between us bothWho’ll be the first to blink?You always win, most of the timeBut that’s just what you thinkI’ll corner you and ask you whyI’ll burn you with these sweetsAnd though you try and try and tryYou’ll end up in defeatThe battle wages, forth and onIt carves in me a holeBut both our silence fills the voidThat grows within our soulsOne day we’ll tire, or else give upThen each to their own wayAnd in regret ...

Awake in Dreaming

I awake, into my dreamI climb out into the nostalgic sunlight, golden and warm on my skinThis is a hidden memory, one from the futureThe red walls, serene and academicThe faint chatter of hungry minds in the faraway distanceI know this place, yet I’ve never been hereThis is yours, your past and I am intruding, but its not my choiceAnd as everyone flows around me, I walk in a dazeTwo teams are playing, a ball bouncing up and down and up,Impossibly, on a hill, and one team is in blue, I rememberI wander on into a parking lot, empty and bare and sud ...

The Desert Wish

Is there anything more beautiful that a star spangled sky on a cool cloudless night?A longing for the open emptiness that a Desert posessesThe freedom from the ropes and ties of mundane lifePurity of minds and thought, concentration on what is essentialFocus of energy to building up your soulConnection with yourself, with Nature, and with The AlmightyTo hear your heart, as loud and clear as a hidden streamTo be in tune with the land, the creatures, the air, wind and sunTo submit yourself wholly to GodIs there a dream more wonderful than thisor on ...

New Semester

New semester is supposed to bring new hope, the brightness of your whole future ahead of you, a fresh page and a new leaf. Determination to make today better than yesterday, this semester, better than the last. But panic seizes up inside of me. I realize I'm now a third year student, a final year student, one that will, insha'Allah, be a graduate by this time next year. I'm not ready for this. After all, what do I know? I'm suddenly a senior that needs to dish out advice to my juniors if they come asking. I'm supposed to have a degree of surety i ...

Food for thought

Today I joined my friends Nadiah and Ilham as volunteer tour guides for Masjid Negara, under the Islamic Outreach program. It was my first time and I was really just supposed to observe how my friend did it and what she said. But as it turned out, Masjid Negara was swarmed with tourists that day and there weren’t enough volunteers around. So Ilham and I decided to give it a shot, even though at first you could tell from our faces we were terrified! The first couple we approached was this Indian couple, who weren’t Muslims, but they still sat down ...

What I’ve been up to lately

Well, most recently I went on a long overdue family vacation, but not anywhere far away. We were planning on going to either Penang or Terengganu, but the hotels in Penang were fully booked and the one in Terengganu was not available. So in the end we drove a little bit down south, to port Dickson. It should’ve taken an hour and a half but my dad took a really weird route through PJ/Kelana Kaya/KL making a huge loop before eventually joining the highway. Our hotel was nice, if you can call it that. I mean, the room part was nice, but the bathroom ...

Pumpkin pie, anyone?

Imagine you have a small, and I mean really small, piece of your favourite pie. And you have so many people to share it with. First there’s your family, after all, blood runs thicker than water right? And you have an obligation to your family that you sometimes ignore but it exists nonetheless. they made the pie, so they should get the biggest piece, right?Then there’s your longtime friends, yeah, the ones who have been with you through the years through thick and thin and understand each other’s limitations, faults and weaknesses and accept you ...

The Basis of a good semester is..

23 awesome group mates, happy times, selamba dan rileks, TR10 the isolated little room away from the hectic-ness of the elevator alley, constant flow of visitors due to our open door policy and superb printing services, determination, hard work, a degree of oblivion, a super messy office floor, a rainbow of personalities..All add up to a winning team! Go Basis!!Thanks for the great memories! Missing all of you already huhu..Basis - The Journey