Omg my mom told me the most horrifying story! One of the teachers in the school, tr Zainab, went to the Mandarin Oriental for the Blake workshop, and while she was there she hung around with the kids who were waiting for roger to appear. They waited and waited and waited for him to appear so they could get autographs/pictures, but when he did come, it was the VIPs and family of VIPs who were allowed to get autographs and pictures. So as he was leaving, Tr. Zainab yelled out to him, to Roger, that these children have been waiting forever to meet ...
Showdown of Champions, KL 2008
As Shirley Bassey so aptly sang, “Where do I begin?”My birthday was on the 17th, but the 18th was what i was really excited about and looking forward to, so ignoring the big 21, here goes!Meet and Greet/Autograph session, KLCC foyerYesterday went beyond all my expectations, which were, to begin with, already great. So in the morning Zah, Nadiah and I stood for about 2 hours in line waiting for Roger Federer to arrive, and even though the encounter was brief, and by brief I mean really brief, it was great. Even standing in line we were entertained ...
Through my eyes and in my mind
Went on an observing spree today, here are some things I saw. Most I couldn't take pictures of. In fact, I only have one interesting picture:workers cleaning the exterior of Balai Seni Lukis Negaraother things I saw:A guy breaking out into a trip-hoppy dance at the klcc lrt station.A tough, mafia looking guy wearing a "MEDIA" tag (his name was Robert Charles O'Hare), stuffing a pink towel into his messenger bag.Quartz precision thermo hygrograph. while others were looking at art in BSLN I was looking at this contraption on the floor.Bus driver wi ...
The Chicken and the egg
Which came first? wait - don't answer that because thats not what my actual question is about. My version of the question is, which came first, dig or Digg? Dig, as in the term/slang used by people to denote that they like something. Digg being the social bookmarking site, which, actually, lets people pick what they are interested in or what they like. Almost the same, but which came first? Was the term "I dig so and so" coined first, and Digg based on that, or was Digg made first and thus people started using the phrase?These are the questions ...
KL, raining
Went to the orchid garden as planned today, on the way there also stopped by the hibiscus garden. Place was nice, though not all the flowers were in bloom. Even though we were right in the middle of KL it felt like we were far, far away. After that we had a spontaneous moment and decided to go to the planetarium, so walked all the way there, but on the way it started to rain buckets. Fortunately, my raggedy minuscule umbrella kept us from being totally drenched. We arrived at the planetarium only wet. It was a lot less than I imagined it to be. K ...
By Muhsin
Muhsin took this picture, on the way back from Khair's Lab. We are blessed with many glorious sunsets here in batu caves (and muhsin's photography skills. he told me to say that)
The awesomest thing in the world…
Is what I have to do this holiday. Was watching an episode of Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends a while back and that line came on. Basically means make do of the free time you have.Today started like any other day, woke up, and surfed the net for a while. Then got bored.Sat down at my now clean desk and made a card, for no one in particular. Just felt like making one. Then after a while I rummaged through my drawers and came up with my stash of letters from friends, and it was such fun to read all the nonsense we sent each other. So I sat down ...
Over are the exams…
Had my last one just now, and it went quite well besides the horrible fact that I totally didn't see one of the questions. A 10 mark question, which I knew the answer to. I don't know how come I didn't see it..! There goes my A, flying out the window. Also, got my studio marks today. not surprisingly, but still dissaopintingly, i got a B+. For some reason some people thought i might be one of the four who got an A-, so that got me slightly hopeful. but as always my studio marks remain firmly resolute not to move up. at least they don& ...
Detour # 2
While studying I find myself straying from the actual subject and reading about the most random things online. I was studying about landscape architecture and somehow felt urged to look up “The Coronation of Napoleon”, the painting by Jacques-Louis David. But none of the pictures online did the painting any justice, seeing in real life is a must, if only to study the exquisite details on the dresses of Josephine and her sisters in law. (The painting, which covers almost an entire wall, is housed in the Palace of Versailles)It’s actually quite ama ...
...kind of sucked. I was planning on studying at least as much as I did yesterday, keep the momentum and all. But I guess yesterday I went all out and today it's like I was burned out so I couldn't even look at my notes. Didn't help that in the morning I realized that something was wrong with my email, that I was apparently spamming people and myself. its weird, all these old messages I sent to people were re-sent and also sent back to me(or so it seemed) I got freaked out and the only thing I could think of was changing my password, which didn't ...
if you get any weird messages from me, my google account somehow got hacked into or something. it wasn't me!
Supposed to be studying but....episode 6 of heroes beckoned. oh well.Anyone else thinks its really funny/weird that in the airport scenes there are like a ton of token minorities in the background? If you haven't seen it, you'll know what I mean when you do.----My brother was a meanie to my other brother just now. He was upstairs while my other brother was downstairs.Upstairs brother pretended like there was an intruder/attacker. Made strangled noises and all other odd noises and shouted to downstairs brother to run away. Downstairs brother belie ...
Imagine around 40 people all swarming your house all at once, all of a sudden. well, we did that 5 times yesterday! Once in Kajang, once in Putrajaya, twice in Klang, and finally in Shah Alam. It was Section 2's Raya Roadtrip, and what fun it was! no matter that we spent a whole lot of time on the scenic routes aka getting lost and making sure all 7 cars in our convoy were on the right path, even if we somewhow always seemed to be the ones who peeled off and went our own (sometimes misguided) way :P. For 12 hours we traversed through Se ...
Final Presentation day…
...went OK, but I'm still pretty wary. It's one of those things where you're wondering if its too good to be true, because surely its not? the visiting and very enthusiastic assessor liked my design and even more shockingly he said i could be a good designing architect. this after I'd been having serious thoughts about changing courses (ok, i have those everyday, but...) i even considered going to my studio master and asking her if she honestly thought i could make it as an architect. i mean, supposedly they are have to be very co ...
In studio last Friday one of my classmates came up to me and said someone needed to see me in the deputy dean’s office, right now. Okay, I thought. Even though I had no idea where the deputy dean’s office was. So I went to my studio master to get permission to leave the studio, and when I told her I had to go see someone in the deputy dean’s office, she said, “Why? What did you do?”What did I do? I did something? Something wrong? Now I was freaked out. I don’t recall ever doing anything remotely compoundable by the kulliyyah or anything else, so ...
A True Story
This happened yesterday on the 24th of September, 2008,at around 9.05 p.m.----- Twas a chilly, starless autumn night, Not a stirring person was in sight, When, out of the corner of my little eye, The strangest, most curious sight did I spy, A procession of five, all walking in line, It seemed as though their hands and feet were in a bind, And at the head of the parade, pulling the thread, The Grim Reaper himself, resplendent in red, Brooding and hooded, scythe slicing by his side, He led the captives along for a ride, I thought to myself, "T ...
150, are you blind?
Last night aka this morning while I was doing my work my eyes decided to take a short trip back to the 60's. I started seeing psychedelic, colorful spots, swirls, and lights. Far out. Turned off my study lamp for a while hoping it would go away. It seemed as though I was looking through a kaleidoscope and no amount of blinking would make it disappear. I guess that is what happens when you've spent the whole week looking at lineslineslineslines. As I remember it, I had iftar and went straight back to work. And when sahur time came, it was very we ...
I should be sleeping, seeing as how i barely got any in the last week, and a probably won't get much next week either. but the lure of a not-slow internet connection is just too strong. not that i have anything to do online anyways.Finished reading two books last week, where i found the time God only know..The first one was "The Story of Srebrenica" by Isnam Taljic. It was, for the lack of a better word, great. But at the same time I don't know what to make of it. It was refreshing but at the same time, how can someone be refreshed by what happen ...
It’s Back…
...I think I must have mentioned/wrote about it before. Its back, and dangerous, eating away and carving out hollows somewhere deep in yourself, but you don't exactly know where. What is frustrating is that it doesn't take much to make it reappear, and yet, sometimes, you feel as if you are made of the hardest stone, one that even the most furious of water can't whittle away, when it matters the most that you should feel the way you're feeling now. A book, a related tale, a real life story, happening to the people you didn't think you were that c ...
My friend's sister's husband is my brother's teacher, which i just found put yesterday after tarawih.---My 3rd grade best friend's grandmother used to stay in my grandmothers house in johor when she didn't have anywhere to stay, kind of like an adopted family. I found that out when i was in third grade when I went to her house and her grandma started asking me weird questions, like whats your grandma's name. People don't usually ask that do they?---My parent's good friend's daughter who used to live in Canada (i think) and Australia is my good fr ...