Hi, I’m still alive…!

I’ve been so so busy the past few weeks that I haven’t even had time to think – its 1.40 a.m and I just got back to my hostel room. Had to write something because my brain was saturated with fragments. There’s so much that I want to write about – my trip to Ulu Yam, our 4-day study trip to Cameron highlands and Kelantan, My crazy schedule, the SRC Elections, Studio, Friends, The semester in general, my cat, Our trip to the orphanages, Debate and presentation skills, etc.

The rest can wait, but The SRC Elections are on Thursday, and this time around, I actually know some of the candidates. The dilemma now is – who to vote for? It’s a close call, but I’ve promised100% of my support to one of them and Scorpios are apparently a loyal bunch. May the best candidate win, Insha ‘Allah.

When I find the time – hopefully during the Chinese New year holiday a.k.a our midterm break (isn’t that cheating – using public holidays as school hols? They should be separate!) I’ll be able to post some pictures and proper text commentary.

Twittering is fun – I reiterate – especially when no one cares, and I add, especially when you can twitter from your phone!

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