I was thinking of an idea, of something i want to do but can’t because i don’t know how. I have this idea in my mind to create this website which is like a classified ad website, but for UIA. so in it would be housing for students (houses wanted, roommates wanted, house for rent, etc), car rentals, lost and found, services, promotion, etc. at the very least it would save people paper…!
for example, the lost and found.
when people put a listing under lost they specify what it is that they lost, eg, a handphone with the descriptions and all. then somehow the system would match up the ‘losts’ and potential ‘founds’. obviously there is security to think about as well…
just one of the random ideas i got while wandering around UIA aimlessly reading the notice boards full of ‘illegal’ posters and advertisements.
a post about the posters in UIA
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