ust came back from dinner with my family. It was okay but the food was nyeh. before dinner started me and my mom and sister were ummi, if i dont get a scholarship i can't go eh?ummi: Insha'Allah you will get oneme: yeah, i can, but like canada, i got a scholarship, but i still couldn't go. it wasnt enough.Ummi: yeah i meant if you get a full scholarship, you can go lah.moon: (something along the lines of) thats stupid, if maryam doesn't get a full scholarship she cant go. Just go lah!I don't know if i can do it. getting a full schol ...
amadhan is upon us again, Alhamdulillah~ so far it's been an interesting and different experience. I'm working now, and even though I have been through Ramadhan while working before, that was just a temporary office job. Not very challenging. That’s the only thing I regret working so early, not taking an extended holiday, is that I can't give Ramadhan my 100%. I’ll try my best though, Insha’Allah. This week has been pretty hectic. Last week as well, last week was hectic because of work. But this week I was fully booked the whole 5 weekdays for if ...
Have a nice day
I was waiting for my friends in klcc and as usual that means finding a nook in kinokuniya and burying myself there. The book I picked up was tipping point by Malcolm gladwell, a book that I already had but haven’t read. But it was a good thing that I read that little bit of it yesterday because it made me realize what I wanted to be in life. I want to be a maven. Yep. Now I just have to figure out how, if its something to figure out and not just DO. I suppose it would take a lot of time.Went to pray at the SUPERcrowded klcc surau (I knew I should ...
Its been a week since I started work, so far its been ok I guess. My office has 15 people in total. Its kinda quiet but that’s not so bad i guess. Right now I’m in the middle of designing a 60 acre waterfront masterplan. Scary. Every morning i walk 1.2 kilometers from the lrt station to my office. I haven’t gotten a flashcard yet so I end up ringing the doorbell everyday. When I get home, I watch a few episodes of avatar just to de-stress (yes, the cartoon :P)My graduation dinner was yesterday, and it was fun!! Dressing up was fun and the event w ...
ome things I wrote down while waiting for my interview at z&sr to start. I came half an hour early haha!Yellow walls (:D) timber floor. Exposed steel structure, very industrial chic-ish. Oodles or paraphernalia, pictures, posters, paintings, glass walls.Orange chairs paired with dark furnishingsextensive library. Seems quite smalllocation is ok, nice compound but larger context not so much. Quiet day at work today, only 3 people spotted so far. (Added side note: another 2 people meandered out from the back. I guess this place is bigger than it lo ...
Reasons why most people say "Nothing" when asked "What's wrong?"nothing by ~liquidsunnyday1. They don’t feel like explaining because they’re afraid you won’t understand.2. It’ll make them feel worse if they do because the subject is just being brought up again.3. They don’t know what’s wrong.4. Privacy / Personal space /they don't want to tell you5. Afraid of being judged.6. They don’t want anyone worrying about them.7. Tired of hearing the lie that “It’ll be alright.”8. Its obviously about you.9. They just don’t want to talk about it.10.There re ...
oday I woke up not in the best of circumstances. I was dead tired yesterday after the caves and I fell asleep without ironing my mom’s clothes, which she already asked me to do. But I woke up refreshed, and for some odd reason, feeling really chipper. I think it stemmed from the fact that I thought I was home alone. Alone time is good. You can do whatever you want at home, without anyone bothering you. You have the whole TV to yourself, and you don’t need to fight for possession of your own pc. You can do chores at your own pace and eat whatever ...
La maison de rêves
There is a house, in many aspects it contains elements of your dream house. Magnificent views, spacious interiors, lush furnishings, warmth, comfort, just the right amount of excitement and tranquility. Even though you probably would struggle to afford it, you can somewhat imagine yourself living here. You found it by surprise, stumbled across it, and was thrilled by its seemingly perfect existence. You walk through the house and discover its illustrious history and significance in present times. You know it will be worth a fortune in the future. ...
I wrote a long post about a house, but decided I should post it some other time. I had a weird dream last night. About arms and hands and warmth. About wanting to run away, but not being able to, then resigning, then accepting. About walking and bumping shoulders and being scared and shy. About someone leading the way, strong and silent and sweet and helpful. Guidance
Midweek semi-update ramblefest
When dreams start interfering in reality and clouding our minds, is it time to put those dreams to rest?Let’s compromiseI’m a person who sets very high standards for myself. In school, for example, I expect myself to get excellent grades. That doesn’t mean I’m a study freak, with my nose buried in textbooks all day long. Geek/nerd I may be, but studious, I’m not. I try really hard to pay attention in class (as opposed to falling asleep, which happens in about 90% of the time), and rarely skip any lessons if I can help it. In high school this was ...
The thoughts we ponder
A month from now this will all be over, the crazy hectic student life, to be replaced by the vast and terrifying reality of a world outside these walls. I sit and wonder, about life, love, and everything in between. I think about my goals in life, or the lack of concrete ones. I think about my dreams, to take a year or more off and just travel all around the world, meeting people from my past and meeting new people in the process. I think o f my actual graduation, how I would feel on the day when 3 years of my life culminates in a single strut ac ...
the company we keep
I’ve tried writing this once, twice, thrice, and yet nothing seems to be able to capture even the slightest essence of what I’ve felt in the past couple of weeks. All I can say is, everything happens for a reason, and people should never be judged by their covers. You can learn something from just about anyone, and the past few weeks were a huge and beautiful learning experience for me. Everyone I met was so incredibly refreshing and so so positive, and collectively, it was like a force of energy that I couldn’t get enough of.All the time, money, ...
part 1
When you want to tell a million and one beautiful, wonderful, or heartbreaking stories but no words could ever do them justice, what do you do?
Kuala Kangsar, Bandar di-Raja
After 12 days, we are finally back from our Kuala Kangsar Heritage Studies trip. The first week or so we were all counting down the days to go home, but when the time came, it was bittersweet. The people we met and interacted with treated us with such kindness and generosity, friendly and helpful in more ways than one. I will definitely miss this small town.Alhamdulillah, everything went smoothly and many of our tasks dipermudahkan...Perhaps it was by stroke of luck that our heritage trip coincided with the birthday of the Sultan of Perak. It was ...
This Last Step
This Last Step by Amibano, I am not suicidal. this image is for decoration and figurative purposes.
Please, can someone tell me what my problem is? Because I'm having a hard time pinning it down on my own.thank youThe floor is yours.
today everything hurtsmind, body and soulpeople, places and thingsmemories, dreams and realitiespast, present and futuretodayeverythinghurts
Welcome back to life
Or a semblance of one anyways. For a short period only.Woke up with a skip in my step and a song in my heart. Oh, and well rested but STARVING and THIRSTY. Amazingly did not eat a single thing the whole of yesterday. In fact my last meal was on Tuesday afternoon. Kuey teow goreng basah tak nak sayur. So I submitted my final project yesterday…I don’t know if I am fully satisfied with it but I couldn’t bear to look at it any longer. Seems surreal. Boards are all different coloured, because I printed in so many different places. Kinda disappointed w ...
The Final stretch
Went to watch IPAC yesterday night. Before that me and qil went to OU to watch Valentine’s Day haha. selamba je mcm xde kerja. Well we knew we had work. the plan was to wake up early, get some work in and catch the 12.30 screening or the movie. buuuut....we slept late, and woke up late, so no work put in and missed the 12.30 show. the next one was at 1.30 but the seats sold out. in the end we watched it at 4. ate and then shopped (again? geez Maryam...dah2 la tu shopping) and then watched the movie. It was...nyeh. only liked the whole Julia Rober ...
The plans we make
Just came back from visiting Ala’ in her new house, very cute and clean. On the way back I had a lot to think about. One of them was where do I see myself in 5 years. It’s a common question in job interviews, and for someone like me, probably one of the hardest, right after “tell me about yourself”.This year I’ll be 23, even though i just turned 22. That’s old…and in 5 years, I’ll be 28. Where do I see myself? Job wise, I suppose I see myself working, I don’t know as what yet, but enjoying my work and earning enough to provide for myself and my f ...