So I've been tagged by my sister, this should be interesting... Google FTW!!!Rule: Go to Google and search the phrase. Tag friends. Please use your REAL 1st name.Use the first thing that comes up that makes sense.(don't forget to use the " " )Q: Type in " needs" in the Google search:A: Maryam needs surgery to heal wounds she suffered during the multiple attacks on ...Q: Type in " looks like" in Google search:A: Maryam looks like she is really happy to be around her cousin. How cute is that. And I love the slings and the color and pattern, very ni ...
Role reversal
So in our household there is somewhat of an oddity at works. My brothers love to cook (ok, one of them loves to, the others like it more than I do), and I am particularly averse to standing anywhere near the kitchen stove. On the other hand, I am quite enamored with any kind of hardware/tool. Screwdriver. Compass. Spirit level. Power drill. Yum!Our house seems to have a doorknob demon; so far 4 doorknobs have messed up. Twice in my brothers room, once my parents, and most recently (just now) our doorknob refused to open. My brothers' room was rea ...
why kimi, why? i wouldn't have minded (as much) if you just lost it on your own but to ruin poor sutil's race...leaves me a lot of explaining to do...obviously tricky conditions and all, but still, sutil would've had his moment...better luck next time
In a land far, far away…..
T watched the second installment of The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince caspian, today. it was ok..some parts were good, some ok, some...cliched, it was after all a disney movie. i was given the feeling it was meant to be an emotional journey for the characters, but the only part in which they really succeeded in thoroughly portraying these emotions was their sense of desperate longing for narnia, how they missed it and their sadness in knowing that it was all temporary. The Brazilian word 'saudades' is described as "it is a deep feeling of longing ...
3rd times a charm…
It's Shakira's birthday tomorrow so we all went out, me, Sumeyra, Hiba, Nada, and Shakira, to Sunway pyramid. the whole journey alone took an hour and a half - but we were on a mission. Today, we would go ice skating!!! YEA!!!! hehe last time i skated was when i was 7, my god how embarassing for a canadian, only skated twice in her life. Today marked the third time i was on the ice. Nada didn't want to at first, after seeing the people on the rink as well as Sumeyra's unhelpful gore story of how someone's fingers were sliced off by the blades. bu ...
Damn you, Murphy!!!
As in, Murphy's Law. let me tell you two stories1. the other night, i was really thirsty so i went downstairs to get a bottle of water from the fridge. but when i opened the fridge, a cicak (small house gecko thing) scampered in and hid somewhere around the vegetable crisper box. now i really hate cicaks, they really gross me out (because of a certain incident) anyway i pulled the vegetable box out, but it wasnt there. i thjought, ok maybe i imagined it. but when i put in back in, the cicak was on the fridge floor, kinda injured i guess from bein ...
the movie marathon-ing
So far in the holidays i have watched:The Spiderwick Chronicles - better than i expected from a nickelodeon movieThe Jane Austen Book Club - was interesting i guess27 Dresses - james marsden!! - what more can i say?Win a Date with Tad hamilton - topher!!!Becoming Jane - did not live up to my expectations. it was just okIn America - loved this movie!!Catch Me If You Can - it was based on a true story, mustve been some kinda life!The Kite Runner - Great Great movieAnna and The King - lotsa malay actors in this movie. th ...
The changing of fickle minds
soooo port dickson bottomed out, because of certain and numerous complications. we ended up crashing ayesha's house instead (kesian her brother, had to lock himself in his room for 2 days:P) but in the end, i think we all had a great time! ala didn't know about her surprise party, she thought we were just heading to ayesha's for lunch. we decorated the place with whatever we had, namely colorful scarves and those belly dancing things you tie around your waist, she has tons of them. we even made a paper plate 'banner' which was deemed 'so childish ...
Has the holiday started yet?
assuming i have finished writing all my exams, which i have, then yes, they have started. but i have so many things to do.1. clean room - half done today2. clean hostel room - half done yesterday3. prepare ala's surprise video thingy4. arrange our studio for accreditation (? what if some people dah balik kampung?)5. buy gifts for two special people6. buy munchies for port dickson7. pay ilham gas money for port dickson8. basically get stuff ready for our port dickson trip aka ala's surprise kinda bachelorette party9. heapful of laundry to fold10. ...
a funny but serious week
serious because my exams are coming up fast and thick - see previous entry.weird - i had the weirdest dream this morning - my old school (iis in the jungle) had wild animals roaming around. like, wild vicious wanna-rip-out-those-kids-throats kinda vicious. first there were wolves. 3 of them. they went after this kid with a blue t-shirt on. somehow i growled at them as a lion would, so that they'd leave him alone. they did, but came towards me instead. so i had to rush to lock all the doors of the 4th floor (thats where i was, but it didn't have p ...
I’ve been eating alone a lot lately…its so sad…last night my lonely dinner consisted of 2 pau' kari ayam and the other chocolate.Today in halaqah I got the “sis, are you a foreigner?” again. No, I’m malay, I reply. In my head though, yeah, I’m a foreigner, in my own country, and everywhere I go.on the way back from halaqah, which ended at 10 p.m., a bird flew across the road (like, in the sky, but it was flying at tree level) the way it was flying was... different. so i actually crossed the street and stood under the tree it had perched in a ...
An Account of how my day went Wrong
Today actually started last night. I was working on my group assignment. Of course, my group members contributed, but in contribution, I mean, go to wikipedia and copy the information. A kid could’ve done that. Even though I wasn’t really done, I had to go to bed at 1, because tomorrow (today) I needed to meet one of my group members at 10. we had agreed. I actually suggested 11, since I know she wakes up late, bt she said 10 was better. Ok. So I go to sleep. Wake up at 9.15 to get ready and stuff. I go and shower. I need to iron my clot ...
when i have the laptop i can blog…
30th Jan 2008 What a day…this morning I woke up on time, but I still got out a bit late, so I practically ran to class. But when I got there there were only 2 people in the lecture hall. Weird. The lecturer wasn’t there but I thought that’s ok, he tends to come a bit late anyway. So we sit around and soon 1 or 2 more students come. And no one else. Then we get a text saying no class! Then in the evening I had to wait for my laptop to save and hibernate so by the time I got out of my room I only had 5 minutes to make it to class on time so this ...
Week El-Wacky
Wekala, just coz it goes with the title...and its also my history assignmentour site analysis and client interview was due on friday. that meant a whole week of sleepless nights. but in the end we have to redo it. just when i thought i would be able to enjoy the weekends!!! so i had to scrap my plans of going home on friday. had to instead, be in kaed up to 4 am. thank god some people have cars and i didn't have to walk all the way back. i was also out of clean clothes then, and my dinner consisted of roti sweetie. on the way home today the car e ...
unrelated fragments
a man with a death wishwhispers of some quiet conversationthe betrayalclinging on, on, onspacing out in sewershaters. hating. hatedare they sick of me?the un-friend
i should come down this road more often…
so i was using the net, like always. and i felt like listening to i'm callin you by outlandish and then i went on a whirlwind of wikipedia, google, and youtune scouring them all for interviews etc etc. i get obsessive quite often. this morning it was mike rowe (of dirty jobs fame)then i stuble upon this interview by the islam channel and this guy named hamza robertson was being interviewed, so i check out his music. then in the same interview the host says dawud, and i check up dawud wharnsby ali's music. and stuff about him. i knew he was Canadi ...
warm ears and rollicking tummies
I've been very jumpy and nervous all week long, well last week since its monday. even today. i had to present my project and i wasn't really prepared, i knew what i wanted to say but i didn't get a chance to rehearse all of it in my head or arrange all the points into a nice flowing explanation. ah anyway. the lecturers said my design was good, and they seemed to really like it, so thats a relief.this is my project. for more pictures go to my facebook stomach gets all giddy when i'm nervous. i also seem to smile a really wide cheesy be ...
in, out and in again
what is itthat pulls us back ineven when we try to escape?it is not by our free will;it is them, again, as alwayspushing and pressuringwith no escape routeor is it youwho's too cold to care?
Malian Muslim footballer Frederic Kanoute, the striker of Spain's Seville FC, has saved the only mosque in the southern Spanish city of Seville from closure.Kanoute has paid 510,860 euros (some $700,000) so that fellow Muslims in Seville would not find themselves without a mosque, reported Agence France-Presse (AFP) Thursday, December 13.The privately owned mosque was due to be sold after a contract to use the premises by the local Muslim population had expired. But Kanoute stepped in to purchase the building. The 30-year-old striker has not made ...
A thousand sunsets couldn’t save me now
its backthat lonelyemptyfeelingtheres a gaping yearningfor something you don't knowwhat belongs therewhat is missing?why am i not happyhow can i fix myself?how do i accept what i amand be comfortablecontentin my own skin?how do i make this go awaywhy do i do this to myselfagainand againshut it all outwho cares what they are doingobsessingand ignoringquel est doncCe lien entre nousCette chose indéfinissable ?Où vont ces destins qui se nouentPour nous rendre inséparables ?On avanceAu fil du tempsAu gré du vent... ainsi...On vit au jour le jourNos e ...