
Its been a week since I started work, so far its been ok I guess. My office has 15 people in total. Its kinda quiet but that’s not so bad i guess. Right now I’m in the middle of designing a 60 acre waterfront masterplan. Scary. Every morning i walk 1.2 kilometers from the lrt station to my office. I haven’t gotten a flashcard yet so I end up ringing the doorbell everyday. When I get home, I watch a few episodes of avatar just to de-stress (yes, the cartoon :P)
My graduation dinner was yesterday, and it was fun!! Dressing up was fun and the event was well organized. By the end of it my face was sore from smiling so much hehe. There were some really interesting constumes, handmade, bought, rented. And the food was not so bad either. Thanks to our enthusiastic juniors for the great event and to our lecturers for gracing the event.

glasses by kache
shawl by nab
hijab styling by ecah
the rest by me
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