Welcome back to life

Or a semblance of one anyways. For a short period only.

Woke up with a skip in my step and a song in my heart. Oh, and well rested but STARVING and THIRSTY. Amazingly did not eat a single thing the whole of yesterday. In fact my last meal was on Tuesday afternoon. Kuey teow goreng basah tak nak sayur. So I submitted my final project yesterday…I don’t know if I am fully satisfied with it but I couldn’t bear to look at it any longer. Seems surreal. Boards are all different coloured, because I printed in so many different places. Kinda disappointed with my last(and most expensive) one, since it was perspectives I wanted to print it A0 terus. The shop we went to first was so damn expensive!! RM98 for coated paper A0! So in the end we went to Jun, friendly people but lacking in the print quality department. Also quite pricey at RM50 for A0. Final say is Baiduri UIA so far offers the best prints, but takes a loooong time and is always full. The prints are clear and correctly color balanced, contrast is good and paper is sufficiently thick. Also cheap at RM35 for a full colour print, cheaper for half coloured etc. a big congrats and thanks to all my studiomates for submitting on time and showing honest to goodness teamwork, and helping each other out. Terharu~

boards yg x berapa nak cantik huahua

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