It’s hard to please everybody but its even harder to please yourself, especially when you don’t know who you are, what you want, and where you’re going.
I want to find peace when i’m confused
I want to have hope when i’m let down

I want to clean up the mess I made
And tie up any loose ends. But where do I begin? And how?
when you feel confounded & bewildered
& you don't know where you're going
when your actions & steps are hindered
by your very own thoughts & doings
there are two paths you can take
each with its own decisions to make
you can stay true to your heart
& fight all the doubters & nay-sayers
or you can just play your part
& learn to live as expected by others
its like you said:
the first is hard because almost everyone's your enemy
the latter is hard as you're fighting your own ephiphanies
when you eternally seek of purpose & cause that you know exists in your core
when of substance & meaning you feel bereft
& you continue yet still even when you don't know what you're searching for
i found, that what you find is yourself
& sometimes
oh just some of the times
the only reason for us being
is to search for our meaning