What I’ve been up to lately

Well, most recently I went on a long overdue family vacation, but not anywhere far away. We were planning on going to either Penang or Terengganu, but the hotels in Penang were fully booked and the one in Terengganu was not available. So in the end we drove a little bit down south, to port Dickson. It should’ve taken an hour and a half but my dad took a really weird route through PJ/Kelana Kaya/KL making a huge loop before eventually joining the highway. Our hotel was nice, if you can call it that. I mean, the room part was nice, but the bathroom was really strange. The room space planning was a total fail! Imagine opening the door and seeing a huge bathtub on one side and a sink on the other side of the entrance. Entirely odd.

The surrounding area was industrial, we had a Sime Darby Energy plant or something in front of us and a coal burning station a few kilometers away (it was beautiful! Seriously, ask my sister. I was oooh-ing and aaah-ing all the way)

We also headed a bit further south to Melaka for a daytrip, where we did all the normal touristy stuff plus a spot of bowling ngehehe;p We only went to the beach right before leaving PD, for about 45 minutes or so. Not even enough to get sufficiently tanned, not that I need any help with that!

Further back, a reflection of my 3rd semester. I only took Arabic and Integrated MultiDisciplinary Project, both, as it turned out, entirely enjoyable subjects. Arabic was tedious but my classmates were really cool and friendly, and our teacher who always looked sleepy in class was also funny, in his own weird way.

Now integrated MultiDisciplinary Project – I had to explain to my non-kaed friends time and time again about the whole “office” thing. Basically, all the different Majors in Kaed (except URP, so that means its architecture, Applied Arts, Landscape, and Quantity Surveying) join up and we’re divided into groups, and we set up “architecture firms” or rather, “design firms” with the team comprising of all four disciplines (thus the course name) We’re given classrooms that serve as our office for the whole semester, and even though officially the course is Mondays and Fridays the whole day, we end up spending almost every waking (and sometimes sleeping) hours there as well.

My group , Basis Consultants, was based in TR10, where, according to my friends, had a great history of producing winning teams. Oh yeah – another aspect I forgot to mention, the firms are given projects (1 for each section) and we compete to be the winners of the project. Something lilke that. So anyways, our project was to design a book café, and we took it by the horns and churned out a design that eventually allowed us to take first place. Yeah!! (See previous post)

Made a lot of new friends last semester, friends that I will definitely miss, or rather, am already missing.

Now it’s the holidays, and I’m thinking of what to do. Chores, of course, but what else? I need to get my license, but junky decided he doesn’t want to start so I cant practice on him, and since it’s the semester break I don’t know if there are still people who rent out their cars on campus. Anyone know?

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