New Year’s Resolution – revised

This is the first time I’ve actually bothered to do a list, but if writing them out and broadcasting them to the public will help me get them done, then thats what I’ll do. In no particular order,

1. Read more Qur’an – and try to understand it too.

2. Work on my fitness/energy level – Hiba and I are planning to do some sort of physical exercise every week at least – keep me honest Hiba!!

3. Gain some weight – Now I weigh almost 45kg (!) gunning to gain at least 2kg which would put me in the ‘normal’ BMI range. which entails eating more I guess. And exercising, which would by right make me hungry/need more energy.

4. Start learning another language – UIA offers classes at night for Mandarin, French, Arabic and some other languages. There are plenty of online options. Choose one!

5. Maintain or upgrade my CGPA – It fell for the first time last semester. Do my assignment on time. If its groupwork make sure its up to par. Study for exams earlier, with a study plan followed through. Read all questions carefully and check. Recheck. Again. Apply whatever knowledge/tips from last semester’s studio. Consult more. Explore.

6. Strive to become a better person – Overall. Be more mindful of others. Don’t take anything (or anyone) for granted. Be positive and passionate. Give unconditionally. Less paranoia.

7. Write more – Improve vocabulary and Academic writing. Try writing in a variety of genres with different target audiences, different content and delivery.

8. Read more – Read more intellectual stuff. Read all the news, not just the headlines. Don’t skip through sentences. Read each word carefully and understand.

9.Learn a new skill (or more) – Like web design. Working on that already.

10. Manage my time more wisely –

11. Budget!! – less chocolate binges. less coffee truck. basically less impulse (food) shopping. Write down expenditures.

12. Driving license – working on it already

13. Figure out (or work towards figuring out) my life goals

14. Pound some discipline into my system

15. Work on my people skills

16. Figure out how my mind works (or doesn’t) and fix it

Any suggestions/comments?

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