Through my eyes and in my mind

Went on an observing spree today, here are some things I saw. Most I couldn’t take pictures of. In fact, I only have one interesting picture:

workers cleaning the exterior of Balai Seni Lukis Negara

other things I saw:

A guy breaking out into a trip-hoppy dance at the klcc lrt station.

A tough, mafia looking guy wearing a “MEDIA” tag (his name was Robert Charles O’Hare), stuffing a pink towel into his messenger bag.

Quartz precision thermo hygrograph. while others were looking at art in BSLN I was looking at this contraption on the floor.

Bus driver with funky curly mustache.

Awesome exhibition at Galeri Petronas by Mazen Kerbaj – Blog Drawings from Beirut. Seriously people, go check it out. very humorous and dark and wonderful. Its in the back though. I especially like the freedom flags series.

Cute drawings by Josip Generalic on level 3 of BSLN. story-book like.

Got home with a pounding headache.

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