The changing of fickle minds

soooo port dickson bottomed out, because of certain and numerous complications. we ended up crashing ayesha’s house instead (kesian her brother, had to lock himself in his room for 2 days:P) but in the end, i think we all had a great time! ala didn’t know about her surprise party, she thought we were just heading to ayesha’s for lunch. we decorated the place with whatever we had, namely colorful scarves and those belly dancing things you tie around your waist, she has tons of them. we even made a paper plate ‘banner’ which was deemed ‘so childish’ by ayesha’s bro, but who cares.

after lunch we all crowded around the laptop to watch ala’s video of us mainly stalking her and her guy like deranged paparazzi, her expression when she watched it was priceless. but after that came the presents time and lets just say ala was super super embarrassed and/or horrified at some of the more risqué gifts…>_>(nothing too extreme laaah)

then at night we decided to walk over to plaza mont kiara for coffee so we crashed starbucks tho me and ilham decided to get stuff from secret recipe instead, and since we were there we decided to surprise zah with a belated birthday cake. worked out perfectly since she and ayesha went off somewhere for a bit to get some burger ayam special so when she came back we all broke into ‘happy birthday’

when we were heading back ala wanted to play in the water fountain, that was hilarious. i suppose her sugar rush kicked in just then coz while walking back she was singing and screaming out loud (i scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream aaaahhh)!!!! kiiiinda scary…so it was me and ala walking ahead of aziza, ayesha, and hannat. then i look back at them and i see these 2 guys walking behind us and we all start panicking and walk super fast half running and laughing all the way to the main gate since the back gate was locked. that was really something.

the next day we cleaned up and left at around 2 ish. me zah and hannat wanted to go to klcc, and the rest went to uia/home. then when we were in klcc who else do we bump into but ala’s guy. it was funny coz we were saying how, next thing we know ala is here also. then we can say ‘ha ala you didn’t wanna hang out with us huh?’ and then we really do see her lol.

i borrowed like 6 dvd’s and as of yesterday i already watched 3 of them and finished reading the book i bought. now i’m wondering what am i gonna do for the rest of the hols? might go to pc fair today and mummsy wants to watch forbidden kingdom tho its not out yet…

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