The Chicken and the egg

Which came first? wait – don’t answer that because thats not what my actual question is about. My version of the question is, which came first, dig or Digg? Dig, as in the term/slang used by people to denote that they like something. Digg being the social bookmarking site, which, actually, lets people pick what they are interested in or what they like. Almost the same, but which came first? Was the term “I dig so and so” coined first, and Digg based on that, or was Digg made first and thus people started using the phrase?

These are the questions that haunt me… 😛

Btw, according to he founder of Digg, his idea was that there was so much good content out there that was kind of buried, so people had to dig out the stories that interest them so that the stories would be featured on the front pages.

Oh yeah, had my driving class today. Was not as boring as I imagined, although towards the last hour of the lecture I was getting really sleepy. Getting an instructor felt weird, sort of like being sorted in Harry Potter. Anyways my instructor is nice I guess. Shockingly he asked e to drive all the way down to Batu 13/14 in Gombak, and back. Only stalled once:) Twisty kampung roads, I will conquer you! Insha’Allah.

Cleaned up my hostel room halfway today, after driving class. 2 months of dust everywhere:/ So tired.


…kind of sucked. I was planning on studying at least as much as I did yesterday, keep the momentum and all. But I guess yesterday I went all out and today it’s like I was burned out so I couldn’t even look at my notes. Didn’t help that in the morning I realized that something was wrong with my email, that I was apparently spamming people and myself. its weird, all these old messages I sent to people were re-sent and also sent back to me(or so it seemed) I got freaked out and the only thing I could think of was changing my password, which didn’t help. So I went and deleted ALL my emails, from like 3 years ago, ones which I have kept, archived, and starred. All, gone. I hope that does the trick but I’m still not sure. So far it seems fine, I mean, there’s nothing for that virus/hacker to resend, is there?

Never thought that this would happen to me, but it just goes to show it can happen to anyone. So I went on this mission to de-register myself from sites which I registered but don’t use/need. And one of them was this site called perfspot which I don’t even remember registering for. It’s some sort of networking site. Idiotically, I spent 20 minutes exploring the site looking for a “delete my account” link or button but there was none. There was no help page either. Only later when I clicked on suggestions was there a link to the help forum. I went there, and I found that many people had the same problem. They wanted to delete their accounts but didn’t know how. And the admin never replied to these threads either. Google came to the rescue again, though, this time through yahoo answers. Apparently the only way to delete the account is to email them asking them to delete it for you, and giving your reasons. To me, that’s enough of a reason to go ahead and terminate.

Praying that this problem will go away and never come back, and that my exams go well. No, not just well, excellently 🙂

oh, and please read my previous post, just in case. so far the subject of the spam is DEAR FRIEND, so delete that if you got it from me.

Back to square one

Went out yesterday to buy a new camera since our old one got stolen. My dad had already picked one out, a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FS3, which was almost similar to our old one, but still different.

My older brother told me to research other cameras as well. So I did and ended up with several options, the most promising one was the Canon Powershot A580. Both of the cameras were for RM799.00. Finally got out of the house at 3.30pm, and went off to Times Square to park. My brother wanted to go to Low Yat but I preferred looking around in Times Square First. After browsing around for ages we actually made up our minds around 5 separate times.

1. A really cool Panasonic , can’t remember the model, for RM999, but later we found out it didn’t come with a battery or memory card

2. A Sony Cybershot for RM899, but that didn’t come with a memory card either.

3. A Nikon P60 – never really in my eyes but my sister seemed to like it.

4. A Canon Powershot A590IS for RM850

5. Finally just went for the original Panasonic my dad told us to buy…

Here is a side-by-side comparison of those cameras.

Watched Hancock afterwards. Don’t know what to say about the movie. It was weird…

totally unrelated – an interesting post