The Final stretch

Went to watch IPAC yesterday night. Before that me and qil went to OU to watch Valentine’s Day haha. selamba je mcm xde kerja. Well we knew we had work. the plan was to wake up early, get some work in and catch the 12.30 screening or the movie. buuuut….we slept late, and woke up late, so no work put in and missed the 12.30 show. the next one was at 1.30 but the seats sold out. in the end we watched it at 4. ate and then shopped (again? geez Maryam…dah2 la tu shopping) and then watched the movie. It was…nyeh. only liked the whole Julia Roberts story. it rained really heavily on our way back.

IPAC…hmm. well it was okay i guess, could use a bit of glossing over i think. the slideshow accompanying the performances though, were bad. I guess a ot of technical issues and not enough artistic input? especially enjoyed the arab nasheed and dikir barat. the music was a bit heavy at times, not enough solo’s for my liking. but anyways, congrats to the organisers and performers.

hmm finals are looming…should be putting in 200%. not blogging/fb-ing/etc. focus!
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